Northern Warriors - Compilation I: First attack
This Compilation Contains the best of December 2007, due to the huge quantity of good songs we will make another compilation on mid-january with the excluded in this one.
Authors: Nördiko & Hottercraft
Origin: Spain - La Rioja
Month: December 2007
Compilation Style: Black Viking Folk
Collaborators: DamosFog (With: Belenos & Hel ) & Raf Aredhenel (With: Heorot)
> Listen the songs in the correct order, we've chosen this order specifically ;)
> Ready to burn on a 80 min CD
> The Cover Desing and picture selection was made by Nördiko
> The cover picture is taken from Warcrat III FanArt and represents the final battle between Arthas (Evil) And Illidan (Daemon)
01. Thrudvangar - Thor
02. Satyricon - K.I.N.G.
03. Spectral - Black Viking Power
04. Aes Dana - Formors: Mer De Glaces Et D'Ombre
05. Eluveitie - Your Gaulish War
06. Dissection - Black Dragon
07. Lord Belial - Death as solution
08. Enthroned - Tales from a Blackned Horde
09. Heorot - Jättiläisen Lalu
10. Khors - Ashes
11. Arkona - Ot Serdtsa K Nebu
12. Trollfest - Helvetes hunden garm
13. Belenos - Sacrifies
14. Slechtvalk - From Behind The Trees
15. Hel - Auf Suche
16. Anorexia Nervosa - Sister September
Total time 76:26
Enjoy and Thanks for Download ;)
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Cool blog! Thank you for the compilation, great music :)
Thank you ;) enjoy!
thanks for adding another download spot! megaupload 's freespace donot offer too much bandwidth for our country, so most of time we cannot download from megaupload. thanks again!! wonderful blog, wonderful owner.
i will thank all your comments sincerely I appreciate them, So thanks once again iamnomoh, we'll take care of yuour megaupload problems. And wonderful comment ;)
Thank u for the compilation.
I love this kind of music, and I'd like to know more of this groups.
*Downloading all the compilations...* :D
Muy bueno el blog, e he descargado el album y habeis hecho un trabajo excelente, felicidades!
just found you today...I will start with this one...I think you do a great work...
Thank you, is good to meet worthy people like you ;)
The first compilation i download, for me is the classic, jeje you are good doing this stuff y claro es bueno saber que te gusta el genero del metal! practicamente yo estoy solo por donde vivo asi que me alegra ver lugares como este, saludos
Great compiltaion, great job, great blog.
Great Killer Metallers From The Wine Country.....Keep On This Way.os lo estais currando!!!!
Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
Great compilation gonna get the rest them, you guys like to use WoW for your covers, they match though.
thanks alot man
good blog if u wanna backlink from me than find me on my site
could you re-upload the first three compilations,please? they are all great.thank you and thank you for your wonderful site
Link deleted =/
reupload please
I, too, have just discovered you today. *AMAZING* Thanks for it all.
Also, I ask for a reupload on the first comps. I've grabbed all the others and your work is outstanding.
Thanks so much for everything!
big thx for the reupload
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