"We are brothers of the north who are sharing the Allfader's blood" Amon Amarth
:: Black Metal is not only a kind of music it is also a kind of person ::


Monday 17 March 2008

Heidevolk - Walhalla Wacht [PROMO]

Heidevolk was founded in September 2002, however it was originally named Hymir. They create folk-metal with clean vocals. Their music is inspired by nature, mythology and the history of Northern-Europe in general, and of the Dutch province of Gelderland in particular.

Heidevolk is a band which distinguishes itself by its unique style that, amongst other things.

Style: Folk Viking Metal
Origin: Nethernlands
Lyrics: History & Culture of Gelderland, German Mythology
Year: 2002


01. Saksenland
02. Koning Radboud
03. Wodan Heerst
04. Hulde Aan De Kastelein
05. Walhalla Wacht
06. Opstand Der Bataven
07. Het Wilde Heer
08. Naar De Hal Der Gevallenen
09. Zwaard Geheven
10. Dagenraad

DOWNLOAD > Rapidshare


Kain Hellraiser said...

Muchas gracias!!! Estaba esperando este lanzamiento! Ustedes siempre con buenos discos! Un Saludo!

Nördiko said...

gracias a ti por seguir visitandonos que se que eres de nuestros mas antiguos visitantes jeje, hay un problema con este album y es que ocmo todavia no a sido lanzado oficialmente es una version promo con voiceover, cuando salga la buena lo actualizare, saludos.

Anonymous said...

gracias nordiko ojala actualizen pronton quiero al version oficial! me mata el voice over your listening the new hei..albun tralalala O_o